
Application number :
Application type :
Application status :
Under opposition :
Proceeding type :
Invention title :
Use of anthranilic acid amide derivatives for controlling insects and spider mites by watering, mixing with soil, drench treatment, droplet application, injection into the soil, stems or blossoms, in hydroponic systems, by treating the planting hole or immersion application, floating or seed box application or by the treatment of seeds, and for increasing the stress tolerance in plants to abiotic stress  
Inventor :
Fischer, Rudiger ; Funke, Christian ; Grondal, Christoph ; Gesing, Ernst Rudolf ; Wroblowsky, Heinz-Jurgen ; Andersch, Wolfram ; Malsam, Olga ; Reckmann, Udo ; Rosinger, Christopher Hugh ; Hungenberg, Heike ; Losel, Peter  
Agent name :
Davies Collison Cave  
Address for service :
Filing date :
Associated companies :
Applicant name :
Applicant address :
Old name :
Original Source :