
Application number :
Application type :
Application status :
Under opposition :
Proceeding type :
Invention title :
Method for monitoring tension on a wire rope safety fence to detect accidents and accident severity, and also monitor tension to ensure that the fence is within tolerance. Where the tension measurement indicates that the fence is out of tolerance or has been struck by a vehicle, transmit an alarm/alert to maintenance crews if out of tolerance, or to traffic management centre and/or emergency services if a vehicle has struck the fence, with a rating of a minor, medium or severe impact for the collision.  
Inventor :
Gammon, David William  
Agent name :
Gammon, David MR  
Address for service :
SA 5098 Australia  
Filing date :
30 October 2013  
Associated companies :
Applicant name :
Gammon, David William MR  
Applicant address :
SA 5125 Australia  
Old name :
Original Source :