
Application number :
Application type :
Application status :
Under opposition :
Proceeding type :
Invention title :
WayTGo is a headset containing yellow/ orange indicator lights operated by a Bluetooth switch.It is designed so bicyclists can pull the device onto their helmet giving them left and right signals which they control through a Bluetooth switch attached to the handlebars It enables the bicyclist to signal day or night without the need to hand signal The signals are also at head height which enables them to be seen easily by passing traffic  
Inventor :
newman, kim valston  
Agent name :
newman, kim valston MR  
Address for service :
WA 6158 Australia  
Filing date :
21 March 2015  
Associated companies :
Applicant name :
newman, kim valston MR  
Applicant address :
WA 6158 Australia  
Old name :
Original Source :

Same Inventor