
Application number :
Application type :
Application status :
Under opposition :
Proceeding type :
Invention title :
Method of Input/Output &Accessibility Enhancement Options via series of improvements defined in modular &expandable system designed to be scaled that include management of input, display, audio playback &/or alert notification across mobile, wearable & fixed interactive or limited function devices, all designed to improve ux & control with support for accessibility needs such as provide notification/alerts in various means including (but not limited to) vibration, with/out audio playback, support for display as multimedia /animation &/or 3D simulations based on multi axis movement  
Inventor :
Kazamias, Christian (Christos)  
Agent name :
Kazamias, Christian (Christos) MR  
Address for service :
NSW 2042 Australia  
Filing date :
19 March 2015  
Associated companies :
Applicant name :
Kazamias, Christian Mr  
Applicant address :
NSW 2042 Australia  
Old name :
Original Source :