
Application number :
Application type :
Application status :
Under opposition :
Proceeding type :
Invention title :
Epi-curean is a digital trading and redemption token and currency for use in the TV2U Ecosystem and related e-commerce platforms & e-stores. Epi-curean token system of value is assigned to digital and physical goods in TV2U ecosystem and are redeemed by assignment of same unit of token against item. Epi-curean is also a digital or physical gold coloured coin with pictorial image of greek philosopher Epicurus on one side, and the word Epi-curean and the denomination “x units” whereby that unit is a unit of digital currency for redemption or spend in the TV2U Global ecosystems and e-stores.  
Inventor :
Boyd, Richard ; Fitzgerald, Nick  
Agent name :
tv2u Pty Ltd  
Address for service :
NSW 2517 Australia  
Filing date :
26 May 2014  
Associated companies :
Applicant name :
tv2u Pty Ltd  
Applicant address :
NSW 2517 Australia  
Old name :
Original Source :

Same Inventor