
Application number :
Application type :
Application status :
Under opposition :
Proceeding type :
Invention title :
Solar Powered Energy Storage System uses the suns energy to pump water to an elevated position creating potential energy. The efficiency of the system ranges between 4-8% during daylight hours. When the header tank (in elevated position) is full, the raised water is allowed to flow down a pipe to drive an impeller which drives a squirrel-cage generator. The generator is connected to a transformer to feed back electrical energy to the household mains or other needs. The Squirrel-cage generator is geared and clutched to supply energy when output frequency slightly exceeds mains frequency.  
Inventor :
Chapman, Richard  
Agent name :
Chapman, Richard MR  
Address for service :
21 Kallaroo RD Riverview NSW 2066 Australia    
Filing date :
24 July 2013  
Associated companies :
Applicant name :
Chapman, Richard MR  
Applicant address :
21 Kallaroo RD Riverview NSW 2066 Australia  
Old name :
Original Source :

Same Inventor