
Application number :
Application type :
Application status :
Under opposition :
Proceeding type :
Invention title :
Methods and reagents for the treatment of diseases and disorders associated with increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines  
Inventor :
Auspitz, Benjamin, A. ; Brasher, Bradley B. ; Smith, Brendan ; Keith, Curtis ; Grau, Daniel ; Chappell, Todd W. ; Zimmermann, Grant, R. ; Fong, Jason ; Nichols, M., James ; Sachs, Noah ; Manivasakam, Palaniyandi  
Agent name :
Griffith Hack  
Address for service :
GPO Box 1285 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia  
Filing date :
24 September 2003  
Associated companies :
Applicant name :
CombinatoRx, Incorporated  
Applicant address :
245 First Street Sixteenth Floor Cambridge MA 02142 United States of America  
Old name :
Auspitz, Benjamin ; Brasher, Bradley ; Chappell, Todd ; Fong, Jason ; Keith, Curtis ; Manivasakam, Palaniyandi ; Nichols, M. James ; Sachs, Noah ; Smith, Brendan ; Zimmermann, Grant  
Original Source :